Friday, 26 June 2020

Chicken Sunday

Assalamualaikum everyone! Today I am going to be sharing my response of the book Chicken Sunday. On Wednesday we had to do a response on the book Chicken Sunday. We had to write about what we were surprised about, what we liked about it, what we didn't like about it, what we would change, what it made us think about and what we didn't understand. We read this book because we are learning about racism. The link to my work is under the picture. Have a read and share your thoughts about racism. 

Here is a picture of the book

Friday, 19 June 2020

Reading Choice Boards

During lockdown and after lockdown we have been using reading choice boards for reading. I had fun using the choice boards because we didn't have to do what the teachers told us to do. In lockdown we had a choice board that looks like this

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This is how our choice board looks like at school after lockdown

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Friday, 12 June 2020

My Creative Writing

Salam alaikum everyone I am going to be sharing my creative writing. For the creative writing we had to choose a picture and write about it with your imagination and we chose a type of writing we were going to write. These are the picture that we could choose to write about. The link to my creative writing is under all the pictures.

Have a read and leave a comment for some feedback! Thank you. See you later! 

Friday, 5 June 2020

Post Lockdown Creations Take 5!

Sallam a alaykum everybody! I am going to be sharing my lockdown creation take 5. Its a slideshow of where we have to put images of what we have done during school time then we put a description under each one and then at the end right before 3:00 we have to do a daily reflection of what subject we liked from all of the subjects.
I hope you liked reading my blog. If you have any questions leave a comment!  

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Post Lockdown Creation Number whā

Sallam everybody! I am going to share my lockdown creation take whā. Its a slideshow of where we have to put images of what we have done during school time then we put a description under each one and then at the end right before 3:00 we have to do a daily reflection of what subject we liked from all of the subjects.
I hope you liked reading my blog. If you have any questions leave a comment!