Friday, 26 February 2021

Swimming In 2021!🏊

Swimming In 2021!🏊

Asalamualikum everyone, On Friday the 26th of February me and my class went swimming. First we had to fall from the edge of the pool by lying down. We had to lie on the edge of the pool and fall in. It was really fun then we had to make a whirl pool and float on our backs. We also had to dolphin dive to the other side of the pool. Then we had to float on our backs all the way back. We also had to go all the way under the water and kick to the other side. We have to learn how to swim because we are in New Zealand, New Zealand is surrounded with water and encase there is a tide we need to survive by swimming. 
Here are some pictures of the day.



  1. Hi Ayana
    What a fabulous and detailed post! As I read it I could imagine how your lesson progressed. Being safe around water is so necessary and the skills so important to become familiar with incase you were ever in a situation needing you to keep yourself safe and afloat.
    Do you feel more confident about your ability to stay safe after the lessons at school?
    Perhaps you could talk to your parents about what you have learned.
    Keep up the wonderful blogging.
    Maybe if you have spare time you could check out my blog at this link.

    Nga Mihi Anthony.

  2. Hi Ayana, it's me Paityn. what a amazing post it's really interesting and detailed. what I like most about the post is that you are explaining why we need to take swimming lessons so we can survive. do you think that you are brave enough to swim in the ocean? Maybe next time you can tell us if you were swimming in a deep pool or a shallow pool. Over all I think it is really good and interesting. if you have any spare time you check out my blog go to I hope I can see you on Monday if we go into level 2 stay safe bye!πŸ˜πŸ™‹


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